• Hill Auditorium (map)
  • 825 North University Avenue
  • Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
  • United States

Your Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra marks our season finale with a performance of Beethoven’s monumental Violin Concerto and Dvořák’s Symphony No. 6, with A2SO concertmaster Aaron Berofsky joining as violin soloist alongside guest conductor Andreas Delfs. First performed by Franz Clement in 1806, Beethoven’s Violin Concerto suffered in obscurity after an early slew of negative reviews. A successful revival of the work by Felix Mendelssohn and 12-year-old violinist prodigy Joseph Joachim nearly 30 years later brought it the stature that it enjoys to this day. The Symphony No. 6 represents one of the first of Dvořák’s mainstream hits, drawing considerable attention for the compelling fusion of Bohemian melodies and rhythmic writing with the pervading Germanic romantic form and tonal language.

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